Model Citizenship


Generally speaking, the religion of the Banyaremera consists of ancestor worship. Sacrifices are made to the ancestors, but in a very sporadic fashion and by only a few individuals. These people have usually been driven to it after having tried…
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Model Citizenship

The imirenge

An umurenge (sing.), is a geographical subdivision of a Hill. It is not, however, a well-defined area; it corresponds rather to what the French call a lieu-dit, , a place with no boundaries but having a specific name. The imirenge…
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Model Citizenship

The Clan

Clan names are the same whether they designate clans of Tutsi or Hutu — or Twa, for that matter. The Hutu generally feel that the clans are the same, but the Tutsi make a distinction between them, and say of…
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Model Citizenship

VII. Labor Migration

For various reasons, the Banyaremera need cash. The main reason is that the administration has imposed a relatively large-head-tax — 420 francs a year in 1961 — upon every adult male, in order to create the necessary incentive among the…
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Model Citizenship

V. Land Tenure And Use

Land tenure is a very delicate subject to handle in the historical circumstances that surround land holdings in Remera. First, it must be remembered that no such thing as private property in land existed under customary law, at least not…
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