Model Citizenship


Generally speaking, the religion of the Banyaremera consists of ancestor worship. Sacrifices are made to the ancestors, but in a very sporadic fashion and by only a few individuals. These people have usually been driven to it after having tried…
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Model Citizenship

The imirenge

An umurenge (sing.), is a geographical subdivision of a Hill. It is not, however, a well-defined area; it corresponds rather to what the French call a lieu-dit, , a place with no boundaries but having a specific name. The imirenge…
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Model Citizenship

The Clan

Clan names are the same whether they designate clans of Tutsi or Hutu — or Twa, for that matter. The Hutu generally feel that the clans are the same, but the Tutsi make a distinction between them, and say of…
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Model Citizenship

VII. Labor Migration

For various reasons, the Banyaremera need cash. The main reason is that the administration has imposed a relatively large-head-tax — 420 francs a year in 1961 — upon every adult male, in order to create the necessary incentive among the…
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