Two. The Days Of The Askari- Catechist
The first great period of the Society of the Missionaries of Our Lady of Africa came to an end on 25 November 1892 with the death of Cardinal Charles Lavigerie. He had given the White Fathers a spiritual formation and…
One . Religion, king, clan and clientship in pre-colonial Rwanda
The first observers in Rwanda noted a division in society between the cattle-owning Tutsi, the farming Hutu, and the Twa, who either lived in the forests or worked as potters around homesteads. The three groups had distinctive physical characteristics, occupations,…
State And Society Under RWABUGIRI
By the time of the European arrival at the end of the nineteenth century, Rwanda had grown, over a period of three centuries, from a small polity into a sizable state. In the past, the territory controlled by the kingdom…
II. Mission and Society
The mission in Rwanda is discussed at three levels. Firstly as part of Rwandan society as a whole and therefore reflecting its structure and divisions. Secondly as a unit in its own right, a discrete institution with its own history,…
I. Teminology
loose use of the feudal model applied to African societies has come in for considerable criticism, and its use in this book requires some justification. The first major criticism came from E M. Chilver in Audrey Richards's East African ,…
Marriage And The Family In Ancient Rwanda
I. Marriage The family, the social group characterized by common residence, economic co-operation, and reproduction had in Ruanda a conjugal basis that we shall consider in this section. Married life will not be dealt with here but only the ways…
TheEmergence Of Political Protest
The conclusions to be drawn from the changes in one region of Rwanda are relevant for other regions as well. We have analyzed how the growing power of the state undermined kin groups, transformed patron–client ties, and created new forms…
The Subsequent Events And Coclusion
After the violence, on 10th November 1959, the Belgian administration announced profound structural changes which were published on 25thDecember 1959. These introduced a constitutional monarchy, general elections and the separation of administrative and judicial powers. The first communalelections were to…
The Eruption Of Vilence
In the historical data we have noted the success with which the peripheral areas had withstood the attempted incursion of the traditional power structure of central Rwanda up to the time of colonial rule. We have also noted that with…
The Conflict Arose At The End Of 1959
In the the following, we have set out to establish correlations between changes in the principles of social organisation in the traditional Rwanda social system, the impact of new opportunities and pressures and the conflict situation which arose at the…