History of kings

The Death of Nkundiye

The limited aims of Rwabugiri’s attack on Ijwi are best demonstrated in the initial results. Nkundiye was placed as chief over the south by the Rwandans, politically assuming his father’s mantle but without Kabego’s ritual position. Tabaro retained power in…
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History of kings

Rwabugiri and Ijwi

The heroic figure of Mwami Kigeri Rwabugiri, king of Rwanda, dominates the history of the later nineteenth century in the Lake Kivu region, not only for Rwanda but for virtually all the neighboring countries to which he turned his prominence…
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History of kings

The Two Traditions

The more complete, comprehensive, and geographically widespread tradition is that recounted primarily by informants of the Babambo tradition relates that at a hill called Nyabihunge, near the southern end of Lake Kivu, there occurred a succession struggle within the Havu…
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