The Blood Pacts In Rwanda
A relationship, expressed in kinship terminology, resulted from the blood pact which was very widespread in all groups in Rwanda. Two pensons could enter into a blood pact so long as they did not belong to the same umuryango or…
The Political Complex In Comparisons Between The Central And Peripheral Areas of Ancient Rwanda
Up to this point We have been concerned with providing a basic outline of the ecology and population of Rwanda as a framework for the analysis of social control and conflict. It should be clear from the preceding chapters that…
The Blood Pacts In Rwanda
A relationship, expressed in kinship terminology, resulted from the blood pact which was very widespread in all groups in Rwanda. Two pensons could enter into a blood pact so long as they did not belong to the same umuryango or…
The Marriage And Affinal Ties Among Banyarwanda
In all areas the wives retained membership of their own lineage and became adopted members of the husbandts household. In cases of ritual obligation, as for instance after childbirth, a wife had to go to the shrine of her own…
The Rwandan Kinship
In Rwanda, Tutsi, Hutu and Twa, independent of the region they lived in, reckoned their descent patrilineally. The four named groups based on the principle of agnatic descent are the clan (ubwoko), the sub-clan, (shanga) and the lineage (umuryango) while…
The Geographical Situation And Discovery Of Rwanda
Rwanda as we find it on the map today lies in the centre of the African continent just south of the equator. Being equidistant from Capetown and Cairo and raughly nine hundred miles from Mombasa on the Indian Ocean and…
Who Was Who In Ancient Rwanda ?
In the introduction I have spoken of Tutsi and Hutu who, with the Twa, are the inhabitants of Rwanda and have indicated that we are principally concerned with the former two. We are concerned with their place in traditional…
The Social System Of The Banyarwanda
On the 1stJuly, 1962, the twenty fourth new African nation came into This was the Republic of Rwanda, which had hitherto formed a part of the Belgian Trust Territory of Ruanda-Urundi. This highland country, right in the centre of Africa,…
The White Fathers’ Mission in Rwanda III
An Overview III Possession of cows was the first step on the social ladder that led into the land and cattle-owning class. A garagu’s humiliating duties, the nightwatcht bringing beer, accompanying his lord on journeys and clearing his nightsoil were…
The White Fathers’ Mission in Rwanda II
An Overview II It seems likely that lineages from the Singa, Sindi, Zigaba, Gesera, Banda, Cyaba and Ungura clans, through a combination of land ownership and ritual expertise, managed to impose themselves on settlers from diverse clans to form small…